Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Bjork x Michel Gondry

As all of you out there who understand good music know, Bjork is prety much the greatest artist alive, so any news of new projects is good news. This news could only be even better when it is surrounding her working with the great Michel Gondry again.

The fact that these two are so firmly on the cutting edge within their own fields is set to be proved once again in the 40 minute 3D "science-musical" they are working on. The piece is currently in its early stages but i think it's fair to say it is going to be incredibly impressve.

Their previous works together include the videos for "Declare Independance" and "Army Of Me" and Bjork almost appreared in Gondry's sublime "Science of Sleep" until she was replaced by Charlotte Gainsbourg.

On top of this Bjork has also recently wrote "Comet Song" which is set to feature on the soundtrack for the upcoming Moomins film, which is about as fitting as Daft Punk's soundtrack for Tron 2.